:: i love you ::

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life Update

Hello dear reader.

I've neglected all of you. I have not written. I'm not sorry about it.. it just hasn't happened. I do miss all of you.

So, here is the update of the blog, for your consumption.

I have moved. Tucson is but a heartbreaking memory. Chicago now fills my vision, my thoughts.

I'm out here in Elgin, IL (its a suburb - like Marana, but without the cowfolk...). For those that don't know, I will be attending this fall at Judson College with a focus on Inter-cultural studies. Tuesday, I start a new position with an old friend. I will be in the Mobilization department here at International Teams.



Blogger Patrick J said...

I wonder how many people searched for cowfolk on Google and came up with this page.

16/8/07 00:18


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